Classes & Lectures

9 Energies Natural Energy Identification, Santa Cruz CA

Three Ravens Center
Sat Apr 1 10am - 12pm Ages: family friendly
Classes & Lectures#workshops#santacruzBenefit

About 9 Energies Natural Energy Identification, Santa Cruz CA

Experience You in Santa Cruz, CA at Three Raven's Center 10:00am-12:00pm. Come find out your Natural Energy.

The event begins with an overview of 9 Energies and the skills and gifts of each of the 9 Natural Energies. Then we work with each person who would like to have their Natural Energy identified. We also work with any returning people who already know their Natural Energy to strengthen and support their learning.

Our Identification Events are free for first time participants.

Come dressed comfortably, minimal makeup and completely sober please.

Please register below if you would like to attend.
Or visit our website for future Events: