
American Red Cross blood donation event in Santa Cruz

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About American Red Cross blood donation event in Santa Cruz

The Central Coast community is invited to become a hometown hero and answer the call of patients in need by donating blood on Wednesday, August 28, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the American Red Cross Central Coast Chapter's office in Santa Cruz. The address for the special blood drive that day is 2960 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz.

Donating blood is one of the simplest things a person can do to help save a patient’s life. For the hour it takes to give blood, there could be a whole community of people thankful for another birthday given to their loved one.

This blood drive ?comes as the ?Red Cross faces an emergency? blood shortage. Blood donors are needed now to help avoid delays in lifesaving medical care for patients this summer. Right now, blood? products are being distributed to hospitals? faster than? donations are coming in. More donations are? immediately? needed to help replenish the blood supply.

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