About Bokashi Composting

Bokashi Composting is a quick, easy and highly efficient method to keep all kitchen scraps (including meat, fish, grease and bones) out of the landfill. It’s rat-proof and takes very little time to manage. It sequesters emissions in the soil: food in the landfill releases methane.

Come learn each step of this anaerobic fermentation process that quickly converts kitchen waste into a regenerative fertilizer.

We'll have supplies for sale. Bucket Systems for $25 and the EM Mix for $5, for your convenience. These prices are lower than market rate. We'll also show you how to make everything yourself.

This class is a fundraiser for the TimeBank, a Starving Nonprofit that creates lots of social capital. We are not a commercial venture.

The class is near but not AT the Capitola Library. Please register by Thursday midnight. Use our PayPal Donate button to pay the $10 and we’ll send you the address: https://timebanksantacruz.org/events