
Byron Katie's A Mind at Home with Itself

Bookshop Santa Cruz
Wed Oct 18 7pm Ages: family friendly
Literarylecturebook#Wellnessmindfulnessself improvement

About Byron Katie's A Mind at Home with Itself

Join Byron Katie as she launches her latest book, A Mind at Home with Itself, which springs from the brilliant clarity of the Diamond Sutra and The Work. Katie will engage with participants using her radical self-inquiry that is so sharp it can cut through the most obstinate stressful thought and lead you to the freedom that is your birthright.

“Byron Katie gives you the how of enlightenment.” —Eckhart Tolle

“A truly illuminating and lively hookup of revered ancient Zen Diamond Sutra teachings and a wild and clear-eyed modern sage. It will help you to question deeply, inspire your spirit, and awaken your understanding.” - Jack Kornfield

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