Classes & Lectures

DEPRESSION, NO MORE! Removing Negative Symptoms of Anxiety, Stress & Depression in this Free Education Seminar

About DEPRESSION, NO MORE! Removing Negative Symptoms of Anxiety, Stress & Depression in this Free Education Seminar

Removing Negativity! A free Nine-week seminar teaches how to remove negative symptoms of Stress, Anxiety and Depression. Using natural methods including nutrition, attendees will learn how to make lifestyle changes that will help remove these unwanted negative symptoms.

Topics include: Best Fuel for the Brain, Improve Brain Function, Identify the Causes of Depression & Anxiety, Thrive with Stress without Distress, Live above Loss and Grow through Grief, Defeat Negative Thinking, Get a Good Nights Sleep!, Enhance Sexual Performance, I Quit!-Stop those Unwanted Habits, Eliminate the Toxins.

After each class a brain fueled recipe will be ready to taste. Structured Support Groups will be available for those who wish to participate. These groups are designed to help one to process the information and support healthy goals.

The program is run by unpaid volunteers. However, there are resource materials available for purchase if one chooses, but not required!

This is a health educational program and is not intended to take the place of a physician or other health care professional.

Come see if this program may be useful for you or someone you know.

For more information: [email protected] or text (831) 325-7993.

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