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Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen, Newtrition Science

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About Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen, Newtrition Science

Dr. Greger’s wild, wacky, and wonderful
with NEWtrition science that is evidence-based!

Sandi Rechenmacher, local nutritional consultant, whole foods plant-based chef and PCRM Food for Life Instructor will share Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen as explained in his best-selling book, 'How Not To Die.' Come to be entertained, educated, and motivated to eat yourself healthier and to avoid dying from the top 15 causes of death in the US!

Bye, bye chronic diseases, digestive troubles, aches, pains, sleepless nights, excess weight, ETC. Why haven’t we been privy to this information before now? Drop on by for updates, bring your burning nutrition questions for Q & A, and sample a Greger-style treat! You’ll be glad that you brought a friend and shared this event!

“Choose what you chew” and experience quality living,
adding years to your life and LIFE to your years!

PCRM [www.pcrm.org] (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) a nonprofit organization advancing chronic disease prevention & survival through nutrition education and research since 1985. PCRM combines the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of 150,000 members across the United States and around the world.

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