Classes & Lectures

Intro to Jewels of the Lotus Healing with Crystals with Dawn Silver

Mountain Spirit
Fri Oct 16 7pm - 9pm Ages: 18+
Classes & LecturesworkrockEnergystoneworkshopHealingbodyworkcrystal
Dawn Silver

About Intro to Jewels of the Lotus Healing with Crystals with Dawn Silver

We are one with the unified energy of the cosmos....and connected to the universal crystalline umbilical cord of coded light. How did we get here?

In this class we shall explore the cosmic origins of crystals as seen through the eyes of spiritual science and learn effective ways to utilize gemstone energies for your well being and their natural vibrational medicine healing. You will learn which stones are best suited for you ancestral patterns. We shall cover various techniques including: sympathetic resonance, the spectrograph (bio-illuminations of gems via color emanations), elemental signatures and cultural aspects, including Vedas and Anthroposophy.

Please be sure to RSVP with Mountain Spirit as these events fill up quickly!

This class is an intro to “The Jewels of the Lotus Crystal Healing” certification program. CEU credits available for licensed Massage Therapists.
This introduction combines the best of all levels of the
Jewels of the Lotus Crystal Healing Series & incorporates scientific and healing techniques not found anywhere else.

Location: Mountain Spirit, 6299 Hwy 9, Felton, CA 95018
Date: Friday October 16th, 7pm - 9pm
Cost: $40; includes folder of complete and original notes.

Dawn Silver is the author of "Jewels of the Lotus Crystal Healing Oracle" which received the Coalition of Visionary Retailers Award. She lectures and teaches internationally, including crystal conventions, cruises, and has been featured in numerous magazine as well as appearing on television and radio.
Dawn is also founder of the Healing Earth Resources, a Naprapath, Astrologer, and creator of the "Jewels of the Lotus" Crystal Healing Series certification program. The "Jewels" approach to crystal healing bridges the tangible physical sciences to the metaphysics.
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