About Patchwork Show

Shop handmade and independent goods from 100+ local makers, crafters, designers and food artisans with local DJs spinning classic soul tunes and crafting stations. Family and dog friendly, waterfront location, and FREE to attend!

November 2, 2019 - Jack London Square – Broadway & Water Street – Oakland, CA – 11-5pm

About Patchwork Show
Patchwork Show is Dear Handmade Life’s bi-annual, makers festival showcasing local emerging artists, crafters, junior entrepreneurs and designers alongside artisan food, DIY crafting, and music. All Patchwork shows are free to attend.
Over the years, Patchwork has grown from a small parking lot craft fair into multiple locations including street festivals and large indoor marketplaces. Each location is as unique as the venue and showcases different makers and collaborations that reflect the local environment and community.

Free Event