Community, Festivals & Parades

Saving Our Shores, Creating Sanctuary

Dan Haifley - O'Neill Sea Odyssey

About Saving Our Shores, Creating Sanctuary

Free Talk: Saving Our Shores, Creating Sanctuary
Dan Haifley will make a presentation entitled “Saving Our Shores, Creating Sanctuary”, which describes the story of the environmental community’s leadership in the creation of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and its parallels to today’s efforts to review and possibly diminish marine sanctuary protections, at a free event sponsored by the Democratic Women’s Club at 10 AM on Saturday, September 23, at the Police Community Room in Santa Cruz. The Sanctuary was designated after a long effort 25 years ago on September 18, 1992.
Dan Haifley has been Executive Director of O’Neill Sea Odyssey since 1999, where he raises funds for its core and special programs and he is a leading advocate for hands-on environmental education. Dan served as Executive Director of Save Our Shores from 1986 to 1993. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and currently serves on the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council where he also previously served from 2001 to 2007.
The Democratic Women’s Club was originally created more than 50 years ago to give women a chance to participate in Democratic Party politics. An independent, chartered club of the California Democratic Party, the Democratic Women’s Club of Santa Cruz County promotes progressive political activism and the election of Democrats through local, statewide and federal elections. We promote our democratic ideals through monthly newsletters, discussions of controversial topics, and social networking. Meetings include programs on a variety of social, political, legislative, and electoral issues.
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