About the SUBDUDES

Moe's Alley proudly presents one of our favorite live acts THE SUBDUDES. This will be an early performance with doors opening at 7pm and show starting at 8pm. There will be no opener, just 2 sets of live music with The Subdudes!

In 1987, four musicians got together for what they envisioned would be a one-time performance at Tipitina's in New Orleans. It was a night of mostly acoustic music - sparse instrumentation with a strong emphasis on songwriting and vocal harmonies. The show far exceeded expectations, and on that March night the subdudes were born.

Nearly 10 years later, after releasing five critically acclaimed albums and building a hard-core cadre of fans through relentless touring, the subdudes called it quits. Spinoff projects ensued, as did the occasional reunion show. About five years later, three of the guys decided to get back together. They recruited some friends and hit the road for the rest of the decade before taking another break.

And after 30 years, still nobody in the world sounds like them