
Toy Theater Creation Workshop

lille æske
Sat Oct 7 11am - 5pm Ages: 18+
Animal Cracker Conspiracy Puppet Company

About Toy Theater Creation Workshop

Hybrid puppet company Animal Cracker Conspiracy Puppet Company joins up with lille æske to present a Toy Theater Creation Workshop on October 7th in Boulder Creek Calling all fine artists, mixed media artists, makers, actors, directors and puppeteers!!

We invite you to come learn the history of this obscure and wonderful art form known as Toy Theater aka Paper Theater aka Juvenile Theater. In this hands-on, day-long workshop we will give you tools that will illuminate the varied forms and fundamentals of creating your own Toy Theater. Encouraging all to both participate in and experience the renaissance begun in Europe and now found in small art and performance festivals around the world.

Following up 4 weeks later on November 4th we invite all participants to either attend or perform your creation at our Mini Toy Theater Festival which will be open to the public showcasing some of Animal Cracker Conspiracy’s Toy Theater Creations as well as performances by the award winning Toy Theater innovators Little Blue Moon Theatre whose historical, poetic, risqué and musical performances are setting a new standard.
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