About Watercolor Landscapes with Cynthia Armstrong

Levels: All levels
Offered: 5 Mondays, August 2-30. Additional weekly critique hour sessions TBD, 10am-12pm
Instructor: Cynthia Armstrong

This skill builder course is open to painters of all experience levels looking to better familiarize or advance their application of landscape views with watercolors. Participants will have the opportunity to build on their drawing skills, develop composition planning, and learn principles for simplifying and editing the landscape. Working with fluid color and expressive brushstrokes students will create landscape paintings full of life and energy.
Covered in the course:

• Working with reference photos to compose a landscape painting
• Editing using values as your guide
• Color theory for vibrant colors
• Using a variety of painting techniques build a painting
• Demonstrations for repertoire of landscape elements

To attend this class, all students must register and pay for the class via the SCAL website, here: https://scal.org/classes/live-online-watercolor-landscapes/

Find other online classes with SCAL: https://scal.org/online-classes/