
Webinar | The Ayurveda Solution to Type-2 Diabetes


About Webinar | The Ayurveda Solution to Type-2 Diabetes

Presented by Jackie Christensen, MA-Ayur, Ph.D., an internationally recognized author, clinician, and educator in natural health, herbology, and Ayurveda.

(T2D) represents one of the most significant public health challenges in the 21st century and Ayurveda provides many solutions to the T2D riddle. Through Ayurveda we can understand the various factors that cause T2D.

Personalized medicine is a new concept for modern healthcare, but it is well-established in Ayurveda. In this workshop we will explore how one’s natural constitution affects treatment options. Dr. Jackie will review the foods used in Ayurveda for T2D to balance blood glucose, optimize digestion, and reduce the buildup of toxic internal waste.

Through Ayurveda, we can learn how to use food as medicine and reduce our dependency on chemically laden foods. In fact, research shows that 80-90% of T2D cases can be prevented through diet and lifestyle. Learn how to upgrade your lifestyle with proven sleep habits, workouts, stress reduction and herbal support to beat T2D.
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