In The Heart of Africa

From the film 'Kadoma.'

Hendrik Coetzee was not a man easily dominated. After he led the first expedition from the source of the Nile in Uganda to the Mediterranean—a 4,100-mile trip he undertook in 2004 to show the humanitarian situation in that part of the world—some people griped that he hadn’t started at the true source of the storied river. The next year he traveled the extra 465 miles from Kagera to Lake Victoria to silence his critics.

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Song of The Colorado River

Photo by Pete McBride

In a sense, photographer Pete McBride has been preparing to make Chasing Water all his life. Raised on a cattle ranch in central Colorado, he grew up working hay fields irrigated by the snowmelt that carved the Grand Canyon and slaked the thirst of the Southwest. “I often used to think about water,” he says in the film. “I wondered how much went into our fields and how much returned to the creek… I wondered how long it would take irrigation water to reach the sea.”

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Red Baraat’s Sunny Jain Finds His Own Rhythm

Named a rising percussion star by Downbeat magazine in 2011, bandleader Sunny Jain is known as an innovator in the contemporary world fusion scene. On Friday he leads his high-energy crew of self-styled “party starters,” known collectively as Red Baraat, to Moe’s Alley. The Brooklyn nine-piece melds Indian Bhangra beats with big brass accompaniments to create a unique sound somewhere between go-go, Latin jazz and funk that’s been described as “New York meets New Delhi.”

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