Jacob Pierce

Staff Writer

Celebrating Bill Monroe’s Bluegrass Roots

Peter Rowan plays the Digital Media Factory this Sunday for Bill Monroe Day. Photo by Ronald Reitman.

If bluegrass music were a family-run company, mandolin-picker Bill Monroe would be founding CEO. That’s why Ginny Mitchell of Santa Cruz Live TV is bringing guitar maven Peter Rowan, who played with Monroe as one of his “Bluegrass Boys,” to the Digital Media Factory. The honorary day is set for Sunday. Dec. 4 for Bill Monroe Day in Santa Cruz. Mayor Ryan Coonerty proclaimed it so.

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Protesters Take Hahn Student Services at UCSC

If news aggregates tried tracking down the word of the year for 2011, “Occupy” would be near the front of the pack. Perhaps in that spirit, a group of UC–Santa Cruz protesters decided to occupy a university building on Monday, Nov. 28 at about 5am. The group wants to raise awareness about rising tuition—with the most recent increase of 8 percent approved earlier this month—and a controversial pepper spraying incident at UC Davis.

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‘A Year With Frog and Toad,’ a Creature Feature for All Ages

Toad (Mike Ryan) and Frog (Nick Gabriel) go sledding in SSC's holiday show. Photo by r.r. jones.

When it comes down to it, Frog shouldn’t really even need Toad. The congenial amphibian could just as easily pal around with the mice and birds that hang around the swamps if he wanted. But he doesn’t. He prefers his slower-moving, socially inept foil. This year’s winter Shakespeare Santa Cruz play, A Year With Frog and Toad—the group’s first holiday production in two years—is an all-ages tale of friendship based on the children’s books by Arnold Lobel.

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Gift Guide: The 12 Crazes of Christmas

We have just one question: Why?

The fad gift phenomenon may seem like little more than a horrifying distillation of American consumer culture. There are the high prices, the long lines and those family members who went to bed early on Thanksgiving night only to wake up early and strangle the other toy-grabbing moms the next morning in a show of how much they love their kids. But the fad trend is bigger than that.

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Why Two-Way Pacific Came to Screeching Halt

If last week’s turn of events is any indication, the two-way Pacific Avenue plan that activists had criticized for moving too fast might have been doing just that. Last week, the Downtown Association withdrew its fast-tracked $20,000 proposal to re-design the street for a two-way traffic trial run that would have launched during the holiday season.

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