Jessica Lussenhop

Staff Writer

Santa Cruz Medi-Pot Collective Settles With Feds

Valerie and Michael Corral  aren’t hailing the settlement as a victory. Oct 2008 photo by Curtis Cartier.

The morning of Friday, Jan. 22 was a long time coming for Michael Corral. As he walked up to the doors of the federal courthouse in downtown San Jose, members of the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, the collective he helped found in Santa Cruz in 1996, were slowly gathering outside the glass doors. Some leaned on canes and walkers. One member had a seeing–eye dog, another a wheelchair.
“It’s a draw. They didn’t win, we didn’t win,” Corral said. “This has gone on so long, it was time for it to end.”

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UPDATE: Vets Hall to Undergo Full Architectural Assessment

The Vets Hall, built in 1932, was closed on Jan. 21 due to structural problems.

An announcement that the Santa Cruz County Veterans Memorial Hall is closing indefinitely came down abruptly on the afternoon of Thursday, Jan. 21, prompting executive director Tim Brattan to send out an email announcing that all classes and events at the hall were cancelled and that instructors and patrons should remove their belongings immediately. “If you have any stuff here we will arrange a day and time for you to retrieve it, or please try to get here before 5pm today,” the email read.

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Santa Cruz Mineral and Gem Society Rocks On

For those who shriek with excitement at the sight of rocks, the Santa Cruz Mineral and Gem Society meets at the Masonic Temple.

AFTER the baby earthquakes two weeks ago in San Jose, it seemed serendipitous that the monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz Mineral and Gem Society was having a guest speaker from the U.S. Geological Survey—though after Haiti, “serendipitous” became entirely the wrong word. Nevertheless, the society met one night last week in the main room of the Masonic Temple on Branciforte. Seated at long tables, members peered through 3-D glasses at posters of famous rock formations.

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Santa Cruz NEXT’s Four Under 40

Reyna Ruiz managed to keep the Beach Flats Community Center open against all odds. Photo by Curtis Cartier.

Right in the thick of award season, Santa Cruz NEXT is slowing down to appreciate Santa Cruz now, at least insofar as honoring current members who’ve done outstanding work here in the community, with the first annual NEXTies Awards. “We want to emphasize there are people here that are world–renowned, who are making a life here in Santa Cruz and enjoying every minute of it, and having a really positive impact on our community,” says Santa Cruz NEXT member and city councilman Ryan Coonerty, pausing before adding, “and we also hope that it’s going to be the best party of the year.”

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Santa Cruz Housing Forum Kicks Off

Santa Cruz Housing Forum Kicks Off

Let’s start by stating the obvious: people around here feel very strongly about housing development. Or putting a stop to it. This little coastal town has seen some big divisions and plenty of lines drawn in the sand when it comes to deciding how to house the new immigrants, students and trannies (as in transplants) that arrive in a steadily increasing stream each year. Some of the best known players—the bitterati of the housing fight—have been battling for decades now along predictable factional lines: environmentalists versus developers, progressives versus business interests. Toss in the affordable housing advocates, the anti-university front and the people who just like things the way they are, and what you get is a turf war as heated as gangland. There is no shortage of drama here.

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A Revisionist History of 2009

A Revisionist History of 2009

It was one for the record books, this 2009. Oh, sure, there were bright points: the inauguration, some entertaining scandals, the inauguration, Giants slugger Pablo “Kung-Fu Panda” Sandoval, the inauguration. But for the most part, when we look back at 2009 we prefer to contemplate what might have happened rather than what actually did.

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A Santa Cruz Holiday on The Hoof

Draft horses Josh and Greta consider the true meaning of the season while driver Randy Clayton looks on. Photo by Brian Harker.

Greta gives Josh a disapproving glance and sticks her nose in the air. Josh ignores her and stomps down the street. “They’ve been together a long time,” says Randy Clayton. The couple can’t get very far from one another, of course, as they are hitched together to a large white carriage rolling down the cracked pavement on Cedar Street in downtown Santa Cruz.

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