Other, Classes & Lectures, Conferences

“Cruz’n thru PD: Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease”

Monschke Hall
Sat Mar 25 8:30am - 3pm Ages: 18+
OtherClasses & LecturesConferenceshealthy livingconstipation
Tremolos Singing Group

About “Cruz’n thru PD: Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease”

“Cruz’n thru PD: Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease” is a day-long symposium for Patients, Care Partners, Family, and Health Professionals. It will offer some of the most current information about Parkinson’s Disease (PD) care and treatments and is designed to inspire people with PD to live better right here in Santa Cruz County. The symposium will also provide valuable information and insights to physicians and other health care workers. While there is no charge for the program, donations will be gratefully accepted. Lunch will be provided. The educational symposium is presented by the Santa Cruz County Parkinson’s Support Group and EASE PD, Inc, with major funding by the Bowen Family Foundation.
The Symposium will open with singing by the Tremolos Singing Group, which uses techniques designed to help the person with Parkinson’s maintain healthy vocal production.

Dr. Rita Gandhy, Dr. George Triadafilopoulos and Dave Iverson, the three main Speakers, will provide attendees with the most current information and discuss new developments in the General Sessions. The associated Breakout Sessions will permit further exploration and more informal contact with these professionals and other specialists on a wide variety of topics, from treatment advances and demonstrations of specialized exercise programs, to emotional aspects of the disease.
“Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease,” is the keynote address by Rita Gandhy, MD, MPH, Neurologist and Movement Disorder Specialist, formerly with the Parkinson’s Institute and Clinical Center. Dr. Gandhy brings over 10 years of experience partnering with and caring for people living with Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. She believes that comprehensive care includes not only access to the latest innovations in therapies and treatments, but also the thoughtful understanding and management of the many emotions experienced by people living with Parkinson’s and their family members that impact attitude, behavior, and ultimately quality of life.
Of all the non-motor issues connected with Parkinson’s Disease, “Parkinson’s and the Gut,” is probably of primary interest. George Triadafilopoulos, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine, will explain the pathology of gastrointestinal dysfunction and the treatments
available. His expertise with patients with neurological conditions and his access to the latest technology in the field has made “Dr. T” a sought-after physician in the Parkinson’s community.
“Addition in the Face of Subtraction: Pushing Back Against Parkinson’s Disease” will feature Dave Iverson, a career Broadcast Journalist and independent filmmaker who also has Parkinson’s Disease. Iverson is a frequent motivational speaker and moderator at conferences focusing on Parkinson’s Disease and is a founding member of the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Patient Council.
Break-out sessions throughout the day will include the following areas:
? New to PD? (Dr. Rita Gandhy) ?
? DBS: Still a Good choice? (panel discussion) ?
? Advances: Recent Treatment Developments (Dr. Rita ?Gandhy) ?
? Exercise (Leah Santos, PT, Dominican Hospital) ?
? Voice (Dorie Melville, Speech and Language Pathologist, ?Dominican Hospital) ?
? Rock Steady Boxing demonstration (Cassandra Huff) ?
? Dance for PD® (Molly Katzman & Katie Griffin, Motion ?Pacific Dance Studio) ?
? Poor Sleep (William T. Hart, MD, FCCP, D, ABSM - board ?certified in Sleep Medicine) ?
? PD and the Gut Q&A (Dr. Triadafilopoulos)?
? Depression/Anxiety (Dr. Jerry Solomon, Clinical

Free Event