Benefits, Classes & Lectures

Tales From The Brink

Rio Theatre
Thu May 17 7pm - 9pm Ages: family friendly

About Tales From The Brink

Looking out at the Monterey Bay you are likely to see the floating tops of kelp and the furry face of a sea otter. Now, as their population size reaches record highs in 100 years, it may be hard to believe that 50 years ago there were only a few dozen individuals.

The Endangered Species Act was established in 1973 to protect species at risk of extinction as a “consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation.” Every endangered species faces a unique set of threats and challenges: hunting, poisoning, habitat loss, and even competing with humans for resources. For each dwindling population, the road to recovery involves the hard work of policy-makers, scientists, conservation groups and individuals working together to better understand, restore, and protect endangered species.

Hosted by the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History and held at the Rio Theatre, this panel will tell three different tales of recovering species from the brink of extinction. Southern Sea Otters, California Condors, and Salmon are each at a different point in their journeys toward recovery, and each face a unique set of challenges and solutions. Through this panel we will discover how their survival is in all of our hands.

John Laird, CA Secretary for Natural Resources

Charlotte Ambrose, NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region
Lilian Carswell, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Kelly Sorenson, Ventana Wildlife Society
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