
Come celebrate Climate Action Day and help spread environmental awareness with these activities.

OCTOBER 24 was officially declared “Climate Action Day” by the Board of Supervisors, along with much of the rest of the world, so naturally it will be possible to do nothing but eat, sleep and (someday) breathe the number 350 from sunup to sundown. The Santa Cruz 350 Coalition has teamed up with local organizations including People Power, Transition Santa Cruz and the city’s Climate Action Team (which wants to reduce Santa Cruz’s carbon output 30 percent by 2020) to put on events that will have locals thinking 350 for the other 364 days of the year.

Thursday, Oct. 22
PRE-EVENT PARTY People Power is hosting a cape- and banner-making party at its downtown offices. Bring plenty of green paint. 2:30-5pm. People Power, 703 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. 831.425.0665.

Saturday, Oct. 24
AL GORE’S AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH SCREENING The Museum of Natural History will be screening the former vice president’s riveting hour-and-a-half-long PSA on a continuous loop. 10am-5pm. Museum of Natural History, 1305 E. Cliff Dr., Santa Cruz. Free. 831.420.6115.

HOISTING THE SAILS TO 350 For once, a day at the beach will not permit us to forget all our troubles, when three sailboats display banners with the number 350 as they cruise between Santa Cruz harbor and the West Cliff lighthouse. 11am-12pm.

350 AND PRACTICAL ACTIVISM AT UCSC The student-run conference will include a workshop entitled Shrinking Your Footprint One Step at a Time on making smart choices for the planet in everyday life. 11am-5pm. College Nine and College Ten, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz. Free.

MARCH TO TOWN CLOCK Starting at the tip of the Municipal Wharf, a procession of sign wavers will make its way down Pacific Ave. to the Clock Tower. Once there, Randa Solick will hang 350 prayer flags at the clock. 1pm. 831.331.3072.

MOCK TRIAL OF INTERNAL COMBUSITON ENGINE County Treasurer Fred Keeley will preside over a the trial of the private automobile, with People Power cyclists bringing in the defendant on two wheels. Supervisor Mark Stone will also attend. 2-4pm. Corner of Water and Pacific Streets. To volunteer, call 831.425.0665.

REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT THROUGH DIET Santa Cruz Vegetarian Meet-up will be hosting an information booth on how a meat-free diet can dramatically lower one’s personal carbon contribution. 2pm-4pm. Memorial Plaza in front of Jamba Juice, Santa Cruz.

POTLUCK Tuck into some good vittles (BYO utensils!) at the solar-powered Live Oak Grange and stick around for speakers and a showing of the film A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil. The filmmakers will be there for discussion. 4-9pm. Live Oak Grange, 1900 17th Ave., Santa Cruz. 831.246.3466.

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