
Ryan Shelton of Le Cigare Volant with some of the harvest from the restaurant's garden.

Ryan Shelton of Le Cigare Volant with some of the harvest from the restaurant's garden.

The alliance between a restaurant and its own kitchen garden is one of those natural culinary agreements that maximizes a chef’s options and diner’s satisfaction. Here on our famously well-cultivated coast, the booming “farm-to-table” trend not only fuels chefs’ imaginations, but also helps restaurants and their eco-conscious patrons to walk the walk of sustainable, local, organic consumption.
In celebration of Santa Cruz Restaurant Week 2012, we took a closer look at four restaurants around the area whose chefs are helping to bring the dining scene into this brave new hyperlocal world with their own kitchen gardens. In some cases, their restaurants have been drawing from the garden for years; others are constructing their own for the first time. 
Click on the “related articles” links below to read the profiles.