Alta Avenue Home Wins Design Award

Photo by Brian Pontolilo

‘There is innate beauty in things that are highly functional,” explains Bernie Tershy as he stands proudly and comfortably inside his award-winning home on Alta Avenue. Between 2008 and 2010, Tershy and his wife worked with Anni Tilt of Berkeley-based Arkin Tilt Architects and Santa Cruz builder Marc Susskind to design and construct a home that reflected their environmental sensibilities and active lifestyle.

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Habitat for Humanity ReStore

You know you want it. ReStore opens Saturday, Aug. 18. (Traci Hukill)

“I sure hope someone donates a forklift,” says Mark Burden, co-manager of Habitat for Humanity’s soon-to-open ReStore. And looking around its giant industrial space on Swift Street, it’s easy to see why. To the left of the former spice company factory floor sits a glowing purple sectional sofa that could easily sit nine. To the right, a gleaming ’50s-style electric oven, burners carefully arranged so one can access the rear pushbutton console without burning one’s wrists. And in the distance, a perfectly arranged stack of solid-core doors so thick and sturdy that a roomful of jocks could yell “What is it with the quarterback? Where the hell did they get that jerk?” all day long and not a peep would disturb your handcrafted yogurt project in the kitchen.

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