The Skinny on Good Fats


Why has fat gotten such a bad rap? According to numerous researchers, the reduction of essential fats in the modern American diet has been a major cause of imbalance and inflammation – the underpinnings of many common chronic diseases, but fat continues to be vilified and targeted in many popular diet regimes. Local nutritional consultant…

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Going Gluten-Free

Dietician Jocelyn Dubin of Nourish in Santa Cruz. Photo by Chip Scheuer.

I’ve never been one to ignore the bread basket. On the contrary, I’m usually the first to dive, shamelessly, to uncover the warm and satisfying lumps swaddled inside. The height of irresistibility, for me, lies in the chewy, dark-crusted loaves of New York City’s East Village restaurants—sliced, steaming, into thick and spongey slabs to be dabbed with butter or pushed through a drizzle of olive oil.

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