Georgia Perry

Staff Writer

New Nonprofit Supports Pre-Columbian Tribe

It was 1971 in Mexico, and Brant Secunda, an 18-year-old kid from New Jersey, lay unconscious on a patch of dusty, clay-like ground. A wanderer who ventured below the border to learn how to make pottery, he wound up stumbling upon an ancient civilization. That may not seem so surprising—Mexico has an abundance of ancient ruins. But this ancient civilization was alive and well.

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Scenes From Election Night in Santa Cruz

There was plenty of good news last night for Democrats at Hotel Paradox in Santa Cruz. Photo by Chip Scheuer.

Election night in Santa Cruz County this year was nothing like the scene in 2008—no celebrations in the streets, no climbing on cars, and a foggy stillness had set into downtown Santa Cruz by the time newly re-elected President Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech. But Democrats and Republicans did gather last night around the county to watch the results,

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CeCe Pinheiro’s Top Council Race Moments

CeCe Pinheiro’s Top Council Race Moments

Every election needs its comic relief, and over the last few months, we’ve come to trust CeCe Pinheiro to deliver it. The sheer delight of watching her campaign in what was often a downright snoozer of a City Council race came from the thrill of never knowing, at any given forum, when she’d say something majestically ridiculous. Let us now take a moment to honor her relentless weirdness in the race for Santa Cruz City Council.

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Local Witch Embraces Pagan New Year

Birch at the Sacred Grove Shop (Photo by Chip Scheuer)

“Traditionally it’s the season of death. It’s the dark half of the year starting,” says Birch, owner of the Sacred Grove witchcraft shop in Seabright. Sahmain is their New Years Eve, as it marks the beginning of winter and the end of summer. Witches believe that the veil between our world and the spirit world is thinnest around Sahmain, making it easier to contact spirits and ancestors who have died.

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Hammer Campaign Pledges to Keep Clean

Hammer isn't sure exactly what negative campaigning he's denouncing.

The supervisor’s race isn’t just getting personal. This time, it’s…hypothetical. The Weekly received a press release from the Eric Hammer for 5th District Supervisor campaign that reads, “Both my opponent and I signed the Code of Fair Campaign Practices pledging to run a clean campaign and I am sticking by my pledge. I challenge him to do the same and to denounce any negative campaign activities.”

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Q & A: Davy Rothbart

Davy Rothbart, editor of Found Magazine and author of My Heart is an Idiot. (Photo by Dan Busta)

Davy Rothbart, creator of FOUND Magazine, has made a career for the last decade of collecting submissions of found notes, letters and photographs and publishing them in FOUND’s annual issue. With the release of his first memoir essay collection, My Heart is an Idiot, the Ann Arbor, Michigan-based writer reveals in tale after madcap tale that is own life is actually quite a lot like an issue of FOUND.

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