
Film: Pussywillow Dirtbags

Rio Theatre
Tue Jun 2 7:30pm Ages: family friendly
Pedro Delbrey

About Film: Pussywillow Dirtbags

Pussywillow Dirtbags is a debut feature length documentary from Santa Cruz filmmaker Pedro Delbrey that focuses on weekly pick-up baseball game in Santa Cruz, and follows the lives of two players over the course of three years. It tells the funny, honest and sometimes tragic stories of the "have not's" of baseball and the dreams that still exist in all of us.
It is the culmination of 4 years of work and the screening is a chance to show the film to the local community before submitting it to the festivals for 2016.
Tickets sold at the door-- $10.00, or free with you PWDB lanyard.
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