About The Santa Cruz VORTEX

Join us for an exciting afternoon in beautiful, sunny Santa Cruz, CA on March 30, 2019. Is.a.Bell Productions presents our next transmission: "The Santa Cruz VORTEX" where Bella will speak to us about the power of the place where we live. Electromagnectic fields, UFO phenomenon, human personalities magnetizing to our town, and all energetic Santa Cruz area anomalies will be discussed at this incredible event. Bella will also introduce herself as a first contact specialist from the Yayhel Civilization, interested to hear and learn from all members who attend. Some members of the audience will have an opportunity to ask, share, discuss, and communicate with Bella. Our talented intuitive channeler, Gita Rose, will be telempathically communicating with this incredible extraterrestrial with a multidimensional perspective and advanced information we can all learn from.
If you have an open-mind and a curiosity about our connection to extraterrestrials, spirituality, and intergalactic knowledge, come check this out!
Is.a.Bell Productions is a group of unique individuals who wish to expand their consciousness by communicating with a Multidimensional Being by the name of "Bella". Bella is a member of the YahYel Civilization and telepathically sends information at the speed-of-thought to our gifted inuitive channeler, Gita Rose. Gita has been channeling Bella for people across the globe for over 8 years now, and is now doing incredible public live channeling events!
The audience will have a chance to ask questions or share with Bella whose perspective is supremely advanced, loving, and intelligent. She will give precise information to the individual, but also provides synchronistic co-creative knowledge that is applicable to the collective group. Interactions at these Transmissions are entertaining, heart-warming, expansive, and often humorous! They help us to be happier, master the law of attraction, and have more understanding about the world we live in.
Tea will also be available for our guests. The herbal blends are directly suggested by Bella to help crystallize the specific information that is disseminated during the event. The delicious organic tea blends are harmonious and aid integration with the specific topics discussed.
What are the benefits of interacting with Bella

Expect Your Unexpected

video:Expect Your Unexpected

Facing Fears - Doing the things that Scare us

video:Facing Fears - Doing the things that Scare us

Bella Transmission- Teaser video- Intro with Gita Rose

video:Bella Transmission- Teaser video- Intro with Gita Rose
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