
Readers weigh in with some health skepticism. They discuss possible treatments for depression and the tricky games of the upcoming election.

No Magic Bullet

As someone who lives with depression on a daily basis, I find the article on amino acids and depression (“Acid Test,” Oct. 3).html very misleading. In the article, the patient, who suffers from depression, takes one dose of 5-HTP prescribed by a psychologist and wakes up feeling 27 years younger, and has the concentration of a Zen Master. Give me a break! I am not going to invalidate the patient’s experience, but it is obviously caused by the powerful placebo effect. I have been prescribed new medications for depression and had similar amazing experiences. The magical “cure” disappears in a few days. That doesn’t mean that amino acids or anti-depressant medications are not helpful. In cases of mild depression, the illness may disappear—but not overnight. Exercise can be a powerful treatment for depression, with results you notice right away. The challenge is when you feel depressed you don’t want to exercise. I also recommend reading “This Modern World” by Tom Tomorrow as a treatment for depression. Laughing at “The Horror” really helps!

Andrew Todd

Santa Cruz


GMO: Right to Know

Monsanto and other pesticide and junk food companies are trying to confuse us with $37 million in advertising containing misleading and false information. One of their first TV ads was pulled for deception. Prop. 37 has one goal: mandatory labeling of products with genetically engineered (also called GMO) ingredients. Its focus is processed foods because 70-80% of these products contain GMO ingredients (U.S. Congressional Research Service). Labeling for other foods can be tackled later. There was no noticeable increase in cost to consumers when Europe started labeling. Fifty countries have GMO labeling or restrictions! It’s our democratic right to know what’s in our food so we can make informed decisions about what we eat and feed our families. Ignore Monsanto’s lies; consider the source: it was Monsanto who said that DDT was safe. Yes on Prop 37.

Patti Bond



McPherson Distortion

I am a middle-of-the-road Republican and I am disappointed with Bruce McPherson’s distortion of the facts. Bruce has shown he will say and do anything and I am not sure what he stands for.

Why was Bruce a loyal Republican during the June primary, when more Republicans were expected to come out to vote, then abandoned the [GOP] at the advent of a Presidential election in a largely Democratic demographic?

At the candidates’ forum at SLV High last April, I was struck by Bruce’s obvious lack of local knowledge. Attending later forums I was further astonished to see him personalizing key points that Eric Hammer had articulated early on.

Recently, Bruce took credit for restoring our parks! I recall seeing Eric Hammer guiding the planning committees, working with the county, rallying volunteers and literally swinging a hammer to get the job done.

Shawn Hamilton

Boulder Creek