Danny Wool

Staff Writer

The Exotic Is Among Us

The Santa Cruz Orchid Society held its show over the weekend.

When travel writer Eric Hansen wrote Orchid Fever in 2000, the Columbus Dispatch commented that “The exotic, it turns out, is among us.” As it was in Santa Cruz this weekend. Botany, obsession, and plant-politics converged in Soquel for the Santa Cruz Orchid Society’s Orchid Show. “You can get off alcohol, drugs, women, food, and cars,” says Joe Kunisch, a commercial orchid grower from Rochester, New York, “but once you’re hooked on orchids, you’re finished.”

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Thousands Lose Power in Storm

Downtown, Santa Cruzans brandished bumbershoots. Photo by Curtis Cartier.

PG&E reported that 18,300 customers in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties were without power yesterday as a result of the storm, and the worst is yet to come today. Fallen trees knocked down power lines and blocked highways, including Highway 9, where a 120-foot cedar tree kept traffic backed up. Winds are reported to have reached up to 47 miles per hour. Storm surges along the beaches resulted in waves of up to 18 feet, and Capitola closed its Esplanada and wharf.

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Santa Cruz Flips for Fungi

Quick: amanita or turkey tail? Attendees of the 36th annual Fungus Fair would know.

For weeks and months, the status of marijuana has been in the local news. For a welcome shift, attention this weekend switched to ‘shrooms, as Santa Cruz celebrated its Fungus Fair. Over 300 varieties of local fungus and mushrooms were on display at the event, but that’s just a tiny sliver of the 3,000-5,000 varieties available locally.

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