Danny Wool

Staff Writer

Santa Cruz Hatchery to Release Fish Early

New measures to protect salmon from post-Lockheed fire mudslides

The Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project is planning to release 23,000 steelhead trout into the San Lorenzo River and Scott Creek, four months ahead of schedule this year. The fish are normally released in April. At the same time, 1,000 coho salmon have been transported to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s laboratory at Terrace Point.

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NextSpace Eyes Tannery Location

Santa Cruz’s historic Salz Tannery is latest recipient of federal stimulus funding. About $4.7 million will be used to renovate the Beam House and Tanyard Center, and convert them into a high tech incubator for local digital media companies. The total cost of the project is $6.7 million, covered largely by a $1.9 million grant from the California Cultural and Historical Endowment. A performing arts center is also scheduled to be built on the site, which already has 100 affordable housing and working units.

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UC Protesters to Face Sanctions

Students protest on Nov. 18. Photo by Brian Harker.

It was the biggest protest against the UC fee hikes, gaining national and international attention. For a while, CNN even featured the story of UCSC’s protesters’ occupation of Kerr Hall on the front page of its website. Then came Sunday morning, and the press was banned from campus for 45 minutes. According to eyewitnesses, including several faculty members, the police arrived in full riot gear and forced the students out of the building. Some were injured. Anthropology professor Mark Anderson was taken away on a stretcher.

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