Traci Hukill

Staff Writer

Santa Cruz Guide 2010: Beaches and Parks

True fact: Santa Cruz County, the smallest in the state of California, has 20 state parks and beaches. That might give us the highest natural beauty-per-capita rating in the state. And we’re no one-trick pony, either. We have sandy beaches, rocky beaches, redwood forests, oak grasslands, marine chaparral and an ecological oddity called the Santa Cruz Sandhills that’s an isolated relic of California’s prehistoric inland sea. For the whole story on local parks and beaches, visit These are the ones that should under no circumstances be missed, even if you have to get there by musk ox.

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News Flash: Organic Strawberries Really Do Rock

News Flash: Organic Strawberries Really Do Rock

Washington State University scientists have discovered what Santa Cruz hippies and foodies have known for a long time: organic strawberries taste better, pack more nutrition and last longer than conventionally grown berries. The study, which compared strawberries from 13 organic and 13 conventional farms in California, found the organic berries had higher concentrations of Vitamin C and antioxidants, stayed mold-free for about a half a day longer and left the soil in better shape, with more nitrogen, enzyme activity and micronutrients.

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Tandy Beal Takes On ‘The Biggest Trick In The Book’

Tandy Beal calls this project 'the ultimate imaginative leap.' Photo by Paul Schraub.

The old Cabrillo Theater is empty except for a dozen dancers hanging out stage right and a few scattered observers in the first five rows. The house lights are on and the duffel bags and bottles of water perched on the front of the stage confirm that this is a rehearsal. Nevertheless, when the music cues and three dancers begin moving in slow motion across the stage as if blown by a lunar wind, the magic takes over. We’re in Tandy Beal’s world now.

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Santa Cruz Fall Arts: Dance, Books & Classical

Fire up the iCal—it’s going to be a busy autumn, not least for lovers of dance. In their 40th anniversary season, Tandy Beal and Company kick things off, you might say, with the premiere of HereafterHere: A Self Guided Tour of Eternity. A multimedia exploration of people’s perceptions of the afterlife, the piece includes original compositions by Beal’s partner John Scoville and incorporates the efforts of two dozen dancers and actors. Beal’s distinctive fingerprints are all over this piece, which runs at the Cabrillo Crocker Theater Sept. 10-12.

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