Classes & Lectures

Accessing Your Most Fertile Self

Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine
Wed Nov 7 6:30pm - 7:30pm Ages: 21+
Classes & LecturesfertilityAcupuncture IVF Success Stories

About Accessing Your Most Fertile Self

Are you trying to have a baby and feel like you are on a roller-coaster of hope and disappointment month after month? Fertility issues can bring a lot of stress and worry into one’s life. When you find yourself in this predicament, it hard to understand exactly what is preventing pregnancy and what you can do about it. In this class we will cover some of the common infertility issues and how to overcome them. Natural approaches with an understanding of when to turn to IVF/IUI will be discussed. Mo Vargas, L.Ac. has over 18 years’ experience as a fertility specialist.

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