Classes & Lectures, Comedy, Literary

Gurdjieff Discussion Group

Hidden Peak Teahouse
Fri Mar 8 6pm - 7pm every Friday Ages: family friendly
Classes & LecturesComedyLiteraryconsciousnesslifeAwakening
Your real self

About Gurdjieff Discussion Group

George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff left Russia at the time of the
Russian Revolution, lived and worked in Western Europe,
and died in 1949. He left behind a number of unpublished
works, and a large number of students. After Mr. Gurdjieff’s
death many of these students came together, more or less, to form a de facto "Philosophical School" or embryonic
"spiritual tradition," which has persisted and grown. This
legacy is represented today by many groups of people around the world who attempt to apply the ideas and practices of Mr.
Gurdjieff in their daily lives; their collective efforts are
sometimes referred to simply as "The Work.” Many of these
people in the United States are loosely organized in what is
collectively known as the "Gurdjieff Foundation,” although
the tapestry of "The Work" contains many independent, and
diverse threads as well.

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