Classes & Lectures

Interested in Buddhism?

Wisdom Center of Santa Cruz
Wed Mar 21 7pm - 8:15pm every Wednesday Ages: family friendly
Classes & Lecturesbuddhism#Meditation
Elaine JacksonVenerable Drimay

About Interested in Buddhism?

Discussions at Wisdom Center Santa Cruz
with Elaine Jackson and Venerable Drimay
Wednesday Evenings
March 7 - April 25, 2018
7pm to 8:15pm

Are you interested in finding out more about Buddhism? Join us on Wednesday evenings this spring for introductory talks and discussions about topics such as:

the nature of mind
our potential for enlightenment
how to make life meaningful
why things happen
dealing with emotions
and more

Qualified teachers from Land of Medicine Buddha and Vajrapani Institute will introduce the topics and lead brief reflection meditations. With time to get a cup of tea, participants can then join in discussions, asking questions and sharing experiences.

Drop-in on any session. No background required.
By donation.

Free Event

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