About Merkin Making Workshop

In sexy, playful defiance of any personal and private beauty standards, it's time to get creative and celebrate The Hair Down There. What are we talking about? Merkins! What is a merkin, you ask? A sort of pubic wig, of course! In modern life, there has been a lot of pressure to denude the mons pubis, requiring lots of sometimes painful and expensive hair removal and maintenance, and also social anxiety, which has led some to tough stuff including labial cosmetic surgery.... Let's bring back the short and curlies, and celebrate real choice in How We Wear The Hair Down There.

Curious about making art merkins? In this workshop we will start with your choice of soft or hard forms and a pile of inspirational materials and make a few merkins. Make yours playful or political. Use the supplies provided or bring some thing(s) from home that spark your imagination. Through the use of different available techniques, we can realize your merkin making potential! You can then chose if you'd like to include your merkin artwork in the upcoming group show "May is for Merkins".

All supplies are included but please feel free to bring anything you have that inspires you!

Take a look for some inspiration, if you dare!


*Subject to space available.
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