About MLK 2018 March For A Dream

NAACP Santa Cruz County Branch and the Santa Cruz Police Department will co-sponsor the first joint Santa Cruz MLK Day March.

“The MLK Day March is family friendly, inspiring, and collaborative, said SCPD Chief Mills. It’s also an opportunity for the businesses, social and community groups that make this city strong to come out and be recognized while supporting a common cause.”-Chief Andrew Mills

The theme is “March for the Dream – Honor the Past, Impact the Future.” The march will be held on Monday, January 15, 2018, and will begin at 10:00 a.m. at Pacific Avenue and Cathcart Street and end on Cooper Street.

After the march, we will meet on Cooper Street for activities from the MAH and speeches.

We invite individuals and community groups/clubs/congregations to Walk With Us.

Event details are available online at www.cityofsantacruz.com/community/mlk-march-2018

Free Event

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