About Orgasmic Bliss: Female Pleasure 101

Want to send her into earth-shattering orgasmic bliss?

Join us for this fun and informative class on the art of female sexual pleasure. Whether using hands, mouths, toys, or other fun phallic bits, Sex Educator Amy Baldwin will show you how to drive her wild. Topics include: Basic anatomy; Foreplay and building up her arousal; 3 parts of the clit (yes, there's more than what meets the eye!); G-spots (AKA G-area); Female Ejaculation; ORGASMS; Hand and mouth techniques; Positioning; Toys and lubes, and more!

Vulva owners- this class is for you as well! Learn how to take pleasure into your own hands! Gain a better understanding of your orgasmic potential in both self-loving as well as with your partner.

This class is open to individuals and couples (and triads, etc) of all genders and orientations.

Instructors: Amy Baldwin is a Sexuality Educator and Pleasure Activist. She has a degree in Psychology with a minor in Human Sexuality from San Francisco State University, training from SFSI (San Francisco Sex Information) as a Certified Sex Educator, and is a graduate of Barbara Carrellas' Urban Tantra Professional's Training. For more info on Amy, see www.sexandpleasureed.com.

*Walk-in space subject to availability. Advance registration is recommended.
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