About Self Defense for Adults & Teens

Discover how you can quickly develop powerful self-defense strategies and skills for staying safe in this workshop tailored to older teens & adults.

During the two hours, you will learn basic and easy-to-apply self-protection skills and strategies such as:

--Learning how the use of voice impacts a possible confrontation
--Using strong body language
--How physically moving the body can help keep one in a safer position
--Proper striking methods will be taught on focus mitts and kicking shields
--Skills for your body type
--and much more

This is a beginners-level workshop, and all are welcome. Get ready to learn some new skills, strategies, concepts and movements so that in the event you would have to use it, you will have a much better chance at staying safe.

Please Note: This workshop is for adults only. Adult content will be discussed. 16 years + only.

Date: Saturday, November 16
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Price: $30 before November 9, $35 thereafter
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