Letters to the Editor, March 26 – April 1

Give Credit Re: “Big Empty” (<a href="https://www.santacruz.com/articles/what_happened_to_the_e-c-_rittenhouse_building.html): Regarding your recent cover and article on the Rittenhouse Building, I would like to add some details that I feel were barely discussed in your article. First, Louis Rittenhouse has been extraordinarily generous to many, many nonprofit organizations and artists. I feel he has been extremely generous in…

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Should E-Cigarettes Be Banned?

UCSC’s ban on smoking includes not only cigarettes, but also e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco, part of a shift toward limiting the health-care costs created by primary users. Photo by Chip Scheuer.

“Secondhand smoke kills.” We’ve all heard it, and it’s been used as justification for <a href="https://www.santacruz.com/articles/smoking_ban_enacted_in_santa_cruz.html great and small—in bars, on campuses and throughout cities. At this point, most can agree that it is not fair for nonsmokers to have to suffer the negative health effects caused by cigarette smoke. But new rounds of smoking…

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Letters to the Editor, March 19-25

‘Nobody Made This Up’ Re: “Deep Web” (Currents, March 12): I am writing because I believe I am one of the few people who knows the truth about all this. I have been aware of the facebook profiles Tim created since December of 2012. I was concerned about them because after he created the, he…

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Letters to the Editor, Mar. 12 – 18

Goncharoff Responds Re: “Puppet Show” (Briefs, March 5): I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that there are people who want to tarnish my character and reputation. After all, when you enter a campaign for public office, you have to expect such things. But it’s hard to express my disappointment that the Santa Cruz Weekly would…

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